A week ago after taking my measurements I was going to write up a post about where I was at in trying to be sex positive and older. Something just didn’t feel right and I couldn’t seem to put together just what to talk about.
In the days after taking those measurements I came across some comments in a few places that got me thinking about balance. I have been striving for balance for many years. I am convinced balancing professional, personal, and family life is one of the biggest challenges in the world we are living in. As a person we are best able to deal with the challenges we face when we are in balance. This means taking care of physical health and mental health. Talking about sexual health means talking about physical health and mental health as both affect how well we respond to sexual desires and situations. How we deal with our sexual desires affects our physical and mental health.
About a year ago my body was out of balance and my testosterone levels we very low. I didn’t realize that was the problem and they came up somewhat on their own. By August I was doing better but not well enough and decided to have them checked at a place that specializes in men’s health. As I mentioned in early blog posts I thought of one of the people there as a used car salesman in a lab coat. Unlike the stereotypical used car salesman, he was careful to explain what I could hope for from the therapy. A doctor also spoke with me and explained the side effects. What neither of them was able to explain was what my experience would be as no one knows until the particular body shows how it will respond to a given therapy.
One thing I may fault them for is I think there may have been differences in the testosterone I could get using different delivery methods. This at least is an impression I’m left with after watching a panel on Sex Over 50 on Sexology Institute’s Facebook page. A few days ago I saw a notice they were going to have this panel and broadcast it live. I wouldn’t be able to watch but they were asking for questions so I asked a question through their web site. When I was able to watch the recording of the live broadcast I learned they started with my question. There was much discussion about hormones, there was some mention of the benefits of having some form of sexual activity in our lives, and some discussion of balance.
As we age, the methods we can use to keep balance in our lives need to change as the way our bodies function changes. Keeping a balance in physical and mental health is just as important to our well being as when we were young.
The video let me know there are some that will help seniors keep a balance in life including sexual activity. Since I live a few states away I don’t think I’ll be able to see those on the panel as a patient but I better understand what questions I should have asked about the therapy I was starting and what to ask if I decide to try a different doctor.
I don’t think I’ll get this posted until later this evening even though it has been written between 5 and 6 AM. My wife and I are planning on taking time today to visit a pictograph panel I’ve read about in the desert south-east of us. Hopefully the roads have dried enough we can go see it. I am hoping getting out and seeing something new like this will help me keep a balance in what I call my spiritual health. It is really an aspect of my mental health that deals with certain ways of seeing life. It isn’t tied to religion but is part of how I think of the world. Spiritual health is the best name I’ve found for it though. I got a good boost visiting the Grand Canyon a few weeks ago but it is time for another dose of time spent looking at the world and how others have perceived it.
So Thursday was a longer drive than I anticipated and Friday was spent catching up on yard work the rain has been blocking. So here it is Saturday afternoon and I am getting this posted. Even though the drive was tiring, my spirit feels better.