Thoughts About Putting Yourself Online
Recently I’ve been aware of a person who is trying to cope with the changes Covid has brought about by moving some activities online. She...
Recently I’ve been aware of a person who is trying to cope with the changes Covid has brought about by moving some activities online. She...
This morning I was reading through a variety of news sources as I don’t like to trust only one source. No matter how much a source tries...
I think the one most important thing we need to take through this period of adjustment in the whole culture is a demand for honesty.
I have been reading an article in AARP’s magazine about loneliness. As I read it some of the things about lonely people sounded like some...
I was raised in a very repressive culture here in Utah. Though my family lived more on the edges of the dominate religion it affected me...
The other day Sex Talk Tuesday (@SexTalkTuesday) on Twitter asked some questions about sex educators. Sex educator was pretty much taken...
The way to that freedom is to offer others the freedom to choose other ways of living their lives.
These are some of the dangers Benjamin Franklin saw when he said we had “a republic, if you can keep it.”
My wife and I recently spent some time in the Buffalo, New York area. We saw Niagara Falls, Old Fort Niagara, Buffalo and Erie County...
About a year ago I started this blog. As I was setting it up I decided to find out about Testosterone Replacement Therapy. I even felt it...
Late last week I listened to a podcast from Intellectual Foreplay (IF 016: Examining our Relationship(s) ) where Ginger mentions she was...
With the extreme heat I’m not really getting out and interacting with people. Most of my interactions are through social media. Reddit...
A couple of days ago Hugo Torres (@hugosposts on Twitter) mentioned the way he writes is to observe the world than a spark happens and he...
I know many of my attitudes come from the dominant religion in the area I grew up so I’ve just accepted I need to learn new ways of...
About two months ago I wrote a post about Ethical Monogamy. I capitalize it as it is a certain type of monogamy. Just as to me there is a...
A week ago after taking my measurements I was going to write up a post about where I was at in trying to be sex positive and older....
I’ve been trying to figure out what topic should follow Ethical Monogamy. One thing I’ve been hoping for is to find or build a community...
In my last post I talked about exploring sexuality, in part that was prompted by another blog that had followed me on Twitter. That...